Isla's New Drum Cover Page
In Isla's New Drum, Isla has been given a new drum that she loves dearly but doesn't have a song to sing with her new drum. Isla decides to ask some forest friends to help her make a new song. Each friend offers Isla what they can, showing true generosity. Each friend also offers a message that is important to keeping Mother Earth healthy and strong. In return, Isla plays her drum for each friend as she gives back what she can. Isla discovers so much more than her new song.

Carrier Dakelh Words
On each page of Isla's New Drum there are Carrier Dakelh words as well as their English translations. The Carrier Dakelh words included in this book were referenced rom The Central Carrier Bilingual Dictionary. The Carrier Dakelh language belongs to the Athapaskan language family and has three major dialects: Northern -Babine Lake (near Burns Lake BC), Central - Stuart Lake (near Fort St James BC) and Southern - locations as far south as Anahim Lake BC.